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  2. Whole School


24 May 2024 (by admin)

Dear Parents and Carers,

You may have noticed this week that our website has been updated, and this has created an update on our Scotter Jotter app too.

To access the new School Jotter app, please can you action the following:

  • Download School Jotter 3 from the app store (free)
  • Sign in as ‘guest’
  • Search ‘Fairfields Primary School’
  • Click on the school logo when it appears to select the school.

If you have any problems, please feel free to come and speak to a member of staff on the playground in the first week back after half term. Bring your device along too and we can help you to log on.

In the meantime, please check Arbor for any school messages, including this week’s newsletter, as all messages whilst we move over to the new system will come on Arbor. We hope for the new Jotter system to be up and running on the first week back.

Please feel free to share this information with other parents through other communication groups you are in so that we can support our whole community in getting set up.

Many thanks and wishing you a restful half term.

Mrs Vicky Hopkins