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  3. Weekly Update 31 10.5.24

Weekly Update 31 10.5.24

10 May 2024 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community,

I think the summer may have begun (although the rain is forecast to return for part of next week!) As the warmer weather arrives, please do ensure that your child comes to school with a named water bottle. A named hat is also helpful as we will try to make the most of this dry weather. You may also want to apply suncream to your child before they come to school. We will utilise the shady areas outside too, but we want to make sure your children are as comfortable as possible.

Respect Week

The children have been working really hard to gain additional house points this week with a challenge from the House Captains to show ‘respect’ and gain ‘respect points’, in addition to their usual house points. This has been a very popular challenge with the children, and we will keep you updated on the results.

Sports Day

Sports Day is planned for Thursday 20th June this year, with a back up day of Friday 21st June if the weather is not on our side! KS2 will take part in the morning, with KS1 in the afternoon. More details will follow but parents and carers will be welcome to attend and cheer the children on. Please note that this date is a change from the date published at the start of the school year due to the secondary schools releasing their transition dates for year 6 children on our original planned sports day dates.

Summer Fair/Diversity Party

We are delighted to let you know that our Summer Fair/Diversity Party will be held after school on Friday 12th July. More details will follow but please save the date and come and join us for fun and games on the field.

Walk to School Week

Walk to School Week will be starting on Monday 20th May until Friday 24th May. This is an opportunity for you and your family to "STOP, LISTEN, LOOK and THINK", a chance for you and the family to walk to school and point out some of the potential hazards on the way, discuss the green cross code and suggest safe places to cross roads. You can even join in if you drive to school by parking a little further away and walking the rest of the journey, or by going for a walk after school! Please do get involved and give your child the chance to earn a certificate for their hard work on keeping safe! 

Key Stage 2 SATs week

Next week are the year 6 SATs tests. I just wanted to say how proud we are of all the year 6 children for ALL their achievements over the last year, and through their whole journey at Fairfields. They have been working so hard and we think they are all amazing. Well done year 6, and thank you to all the staff, and parents and carers, who have supported them along the way and helped them not only academically, but also helped them in becoming the super individuals they all are!

PTA Updates

Children's School Disco - Thursday 23rd May

Ticket sales are going well for the school disco which is now less than 2 weeks away - please visit our website to purchase tickets for this event if you haven't done so already: https://fairfieldspta.uk/. Tickets are priced at £3 per child which includes a drink, snack and a small sweet to go home with, the event timings split between KS1 & KS2; full details can be seen by visiting the website. In addition, there will be a downtime room for those who need a break from the dancing and flashing lights. Finally thank you to all the parents that have volunteered to help - events like this cannot go ahead without the support of you so it is really appreciated. If you want to help but haven't signed up, or for any other questions, then please drop us an email at fairfieldspta@gmail.com.


Well done to the year 5/6 rugby team for their fantastic efforts in all the matches we have played since January. We have really enjoyed working with the whole team each week to improve your skills and tactics - you are an asset to the school!  Due to Mr Mardell's departure and the school discos, rugby club is going to end on Thursday 16th May. The club and team will restart in September 2024. Thank you, Miss Bradley and Mr Mardell. 

Times Tables

This week it was the turn of year 3 to compete in the Top of the Rocks! We were really impressed that Kathmandu managed to get double the points they got last time! That made it a close battle. 1st place in this class went to Thompson, 2nd to Sophie and 3rd to Alan. In Ankara, 1st was Lily, 2nd was Puneeth and 3rd was Florin. Well done!

Maths Booster Groups

The competition is heating up for the most Mathletics points in year 6 with Chandvi still holding on to 1st place, Elif 2nd, Ameer 3rd, Alexander 4th and Berin 5th. This event finishes next Wednesday. Children who aren't a part of my Mathletics groups in year 6 are welcome to join in. This website provides practice of key mathematical concepts. I will continue to set homework for all children in my booster groups until the deadline next Wednesday when the maths S.A.T.s take place.

Miss Warwick

Updates from year groups


Vroom Vroom! Beep Beep! Foundation Stage have been continuing their transport topic this week by acting out the story 'The Big Red Bus'. Ask them which vehicles are in the story. We also continued our gardening duties at Forest School where we planted some carrots and mixed flowers in our own planters. We are very excited for our school trip to Finkley Down Farm on Monday. We can't wait to meet the animals. Please can we make sure children bring a raincoat to school with them. Well done, Foundation Stage and have a super weekend! 

Year 1

We have been impressed by the amazing models of schools and fantastic uniform designs coming into school as part of our topic homework and look forward to seeing any more that you may be working on. Another reminder that our library day is Tuesday so please could children return their library book every Tuesday.

Year 2

Well done Year 2 on another great week. This week we have been enjoying finding out all about Christopher Columbus. We are continuing to enjoy cricket on the field on Wednesdays. As the weather is warming up you may want to send your child in with a hat on those days. Miss Bradley is looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday! 

Year 3

Year three have been working super hard this week practicing for their special assembly on Monday with the support of Tracey. Please could children come to school dressed in PE kit on Monday ready for the assembly. We hope you can join us for a celebration of learning at 2:40pm! We are so proud of you year 3!

Year 4

Year 4 have had a great week this week- we have written another newspaper about a mechanical arm that was found at a school (inspired by our book - Cogheart). If you are able, the children would like to show you their newspapers on Thursday 16th May at 2:45-3:00pm. If you are going to the residential, we gave out some medical forms for you to fill in- please may they be returned as soon as possible. Have a fabulous weekend. 

Year 5

This week we enjoyed a fantastic trip to Hampton Court Palace; the workshop really made us think about what kind of man King Henry VIII was. We were very lucky with the weather which meant that we got to enjoy a picnic in the fabulous gardens. If you haven’t managed to pay for the trip yet, you still have time.

Year 6

Year 6 have been revising very hard this week and we are all super proud of their efforts. Please be aware that pupils do not have spelling homework this week, but they can still be revising online using Mathletics or SATs Bootcamp. The exams will start by 9am next week, so please ensure your child is in school promptly, or alternatively, they may enter school from 8:30am for a SATs breakfast. We will celebrate their efforts with a cinema treat on Thursday 23rd May to see the new film 'IF'. Please do see your child's teacher if you can volunteer to help us with this local visit.  

Sunflower Café

The café is open to come and meet other parents and to chat to our Home/School Link Worker, Tracey, every Monday from 8.40am, and on a Friday from 2.50pm until 3.10pm.

Other Information (attachments may not be able to be viewed on some devices through the Jotter app, but can be seen on Arbor)

Please find attached information on the Parent Information Portal (PIP) which is a helpful tool to keep your child’s healthcare records in one place.

See the flyer attached for information on Hatch Warren Infant Schools circus event.

Please see details of a ‘Parentfolk’ event taking place in the next few weeks.  


Monday 13th May: Year 6 SATs week

Monday 13th May: Year 3 assembly (2.40pm start time)- parents and carers welcome

Thursday 16th May: Year 4 parents and carers welcome to visit and see their children’s newspaper reports (2.45pm- 3.00pm)

Thursday 16th May: Lima class parents and carers school library visit (2.30pm- 3.00pm)

Monday 20th May: Walk to School Week

Tuesday 21st May: Year 5 work presentation for parents and carers (2.45-3.00pm)

Thursday 23rd May: Year 6 cinema trip

Friday 24th May: Last day of the summer 1 half term

Monday 3rd June: School closed for INSET day (staff training)

Thursday 20th May: Sports Day (back up day on Friday 21st May)

For other key days, please look at the calendar on the website or the School Jotter.

PE Days are as follows (please notes some changes for the summer term):

FS: Monday

Year 1: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 2: Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Year 3: Thursday (indoor PE)

Year 4: Monday (outdoor PE)

Year 5: Monday (outdoor) Wednesday (indoor PE)

Year 6: Monday (indoor) and Wednesday (outdoor PE)

Start and finish times are as follows:

Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2: 8.40am- 3.10pm

Years 3- 6: 8.45am- 3.15pm


Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Vicky Hopkins